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The MOST Full BODY Pullup EVER!! Knee Raise Med Ball Adduction Pullup & Mini Band on Feet
7 TIPS for Chinups with Med ball Adduction Knee Raise and Mini Band Abduction
Insane FULL Body Pullup!! Med Ball Adduction Leg Raise Chinups
VERY ADVANCED PULLUPS!!!! Knee Raise & Medicine Ball Squeeze Pullups with Anti Rolling Barbell
Watch Very CLOSELY his ALIGNMENT!!! Knee Raise Pullup with Med Ball Hip Adduction Elijah Green
The ONLY Pullup You Can't Do!! Launching Catch and Release Pullups Med ball Adduction Chris Carson
Trap Bar Pullups with Knee Raise NFL athlete Chris Carson
Medicine Ball Pull-ups
MED BALL PULLUPS GYM WORK Out #shorts#gymmotivation#amazingwoman#legspullups#strength #spilt
20 lbs. Medicine Ball Pull-Ups
Strongest Hamstrings in the WORLD?!😱
STOP Going Past 90 Degrees on Pullups and Chinups!! NFL pro Younghoe Koo on Leg Raise Pullups